Strawbale Gardening Moving Forward. 1.

Strawbale Gardening is a fairly new concept in the UK. The no soil needed grow anywhere method is now catching on. Over the winter months I will be examining what I have learned, the mistakes I have made, (lots), and some new ideas I have been trying.



In my next blog, we will start at the beginning, Where can I put my strawbale garden.

Strawbale Gardening Season Review.


I have been busy experimenting with certain aspects of the method. There are a few things I think might help you.

1. You MUST soak the bale completely when you first start to mature the strawbale.

2. When growing potatoes cut the top twine.

3. Use the best quality compost to sow in you can afford.

4. Use the whole of the bale, think space.

I am experimenting with Strawbale Gardening under cover, and will keep you informed.

Like all forms of growing, strawbale gardening is a slave to mother nature and nothing in gardening is set in stone.



Support for your Straw Bale Garden.

Vegetables like tomato's, runner beans etc need support. Here I have erected a T POST support frame. It covers five straw bales so needs to be fairly strong. Polythene can be draped over the wires to help the tomatoes. Normal garden cane just is not strong enough if you are using more than one strawbale.   I go through all stages of Strawbale Gardening during my workshops. If your group or organisation would like more information on these please use the Get In Touch page. 

Potatoes Love Strawbales.

ABOVE. I'm going to be planting Pink Fur Apple potatoes. This is a main crop potato with a distinctive pink skin and creamy waxy flesh. It has a lovely nutty flavour and is perfect for boiling or chipping. Eat hot or cold. They are delicious boiled,…

ABOVE. I'm going to be planting Pink Fur Apple potatoes. This is a main crop potato with a distinctive pink skin and creamy waxy flesh. It has a lovely nutty flavour and is perfect for boiling or chipping. Eat hot or cold. They are delicious boiled, and eaten cold in a salad. Below. This is my StrawBale AFTER the "maturing" process. It is important that you get this process right. I have adapted this stage of StrawBale gardening for our UK climate. If you do not get this stage right it will seriously affect your growing. A full day to day explanation of what to do over the 14 days maturing e.g. what to add and when is given in my Instructional DVD.  Here's a great little tip. When you have completed the "maturing" process and are about to plant your seed potatoes. Cut off and remove the TOP bailing twine. see below.