"My wife was injured in a road traffic accident some years ago, and subsequently now has acute back pain. This prompted me to find a method to suit her. StrawBaleVeg gardening can be carried out from the sitting position, so it is great for her".
Simon Gibbins. Founder. Strawbaleveguk.
A method for all.
Due to the height of the strawbales, this method is ideally suited to people with mobility issues. Also because you do not need soil you can sight your StrawBale garden on almost any surface for example concrete, making for easy wheelchair access. Featured in our instructional DVD are StrawBale systems that have all round access, making it very accessible for wheelchairs etc. Planting and sowing is much easier with this method than with conventional gardening, and the results are fantastic. We are proud to have a favorable review in Aprils edition of Enable Magazine.
Strawbales offer all round access. Great for wheelchair users.
We are more than happy to assist with any information you may need. One to one tuition is available, we also offer workshops to groups etc.