Welcome to our 2025 selection of vegetable, herb, and flower seeds. We have increased our range to give you the custome more choice. We now stock seed potatoes and onion sets. They are, like our seeds, premium quality. We are selling them at a CHEAPER price than our larger rivals. Please order early to avoid disapointment. Our packing and postage charges still remain one of the cheapest in the business. Use the code below and save 15% off all seeds. Please note, we have a seperate section for our large selection of hot peppers. We call it the Chilli Vault. You can get to it here.

If you have any questions please contact us here.

Root Vegetables

Beetroot Egyptian Best Seller!
Beetroot. Pablo F1.
Sale Price: £2.00 Original Price: £2.99


Turnip. Falko F1. Best Seller!
Turnip. Purple Top Milan ORGANIC.
Sale Price: £1.20 Original Price: £2.00
Beetroot. Golden. Customers favourite!
Beetroot. Chioggia.
Beetroot. Bettollo.
Carrot. Early Nantes 2 ORGANIC Best Seller!
Sale Price: £2.79 Original Price: £2.99
Carrot. Yellowstone F1. Best Seller!
Carrot. Autumn King 2.
Swede. Marian.
Sale Price: £2.00 Original Price: £2.90
Grip Seal Polythene Bags.
Parsnip. Gladiator. F1. Best Seller!
Florence Fennel. F1 Rondo.
Celeriac. Prinz. Best variety.

See the new accessory page here.



Cabbage. Winterjewel. Best Seller!
Winter Cabbage. F1 Deadon Organic
Calabrese. F1 Marathon.
Cabbage. Stonehead.
Kohl Rabi. F1 Kref.
Kale. Midnight Sun. New!

Beans & Peas

Bean. Dwarf French. Maxi Organic.
PEA. ONWARD. Best Seller!
Broad Bean. Robin Hood.
Peas. Karina. ORGANIC. Super Seller!


Lettuce. All Year Round. Super Seller!
Rocket. Wild. ORGANIC.
Spinach. Renegade. Organic. Best Seller!
Celery. Celebrity.
Beet. (Leaf) Chard. Bright Lights.
Sweetcorn. Golden Hind. F1 Best Seller!
Endive. Blond Full Heart Organic.
Lemon Grass.


Leek. Nevajo ORGANIC. Our Best Seller!
Leek. Porbella.
Onion sets. F1 Cupido.
Spring Onion. White Lisbon.


Courgette. Ambassador F1.
Courgette. Piccolo F1

Tomatoes, sweet peppers

Tomato. Gardeners Delight. Best Seller!
Tomato. Black Cherry. Best Seller!
Tomato. Moneymaker ORGANIC.
Sweet Pepper. F1 Bell Boy. Best Seller!


Sweet Pepper. Topepo Rosso F1
AUBERGINE F1 Moneymaker

Our potatoes are premium quality. We are cheaper than our larger competitors.

Order now to avoid disapointment.

Delivery mid January.

Specialist Items

Herbs and Micro-Greens

Rosemary. ORGANIC. Best Seller!
HERB. Basil, Bush. ORGANIC.
Chervil. Curled.
Chives. ORGANIC Best Seller!
Coriander. ORGANIC Best Seller!
Lavender. Vera.
Mint. Green. Best Seller!
Microgreen Pea. £1.00 for 200 seeds.
Fennel. Common.
Thyme. English ORGANIC.


Marigolds. Boy O Boy MIXED
Nasturtium. Baby Rose.
Calendula. Orange King. Best Seller!
Geranium F1 Nano MIXED.
Marigold F1 Inca.
Sunflower F1 Junior. £2.00 for 10 seeds.
Nasturtium. Jewel of Africa. Best Seller!
Lupin Lupini Mixed!
Nasturtium Alaska. £2.20 for 20 seeds.
Sunflower Soluna Lemon. £1.20 for 10 seeds.
Sale Price: £1.20 Original Price: £1.50
SUNFLOWER Giant Yellow. Most popular variety! £1.50 for 20 premium quality seeds.
Sale Price: £1.50 Original Price: £1.70
Sunflower F1 Superted. Popular variety! Just £2.20 for 10 seeds.
Sale Price: £2.20 Original Price: £2.50
Sunflower Soraya. Best Seller. £1.20 For 10 seeds.
Sale Price: £1.20 Original Price: £1.50
Sunflower Gummy Bear. Best seller! £1.50 for 10 seeds.
Sale Price: £1.50 Original Price: £1.80
Pansy Joker Mixed. Best Seller!
Chilli Vault V1.png

Looking for something a little hotter?


Our Books (Huge Sale)

The Strawbale Gardeners Handbook Volume 1




Our Method on DVD

Strawbale Gardening The Basics Volume 1



Strawbale Gardening The Basics. Normal price £11.95/$14.43 SPECIAL PRICE £5.50/$6.64
Sale Price: £5.50 Original Price: £11.95