Sunflower Pacino Gold. £1.20 for 10 seeds. Great in pots.

Sunflower Pacino Gold
Sunflower Pacino Gold

Sunflower Pacino Gold. £1.20 for 10 seeds. Great in pots.


An improved pot type, with better branching habbit and more flowers.

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Sow indoors

Fill a small (7-8cm) pot with seed compost, shake and level firm with the base of another pot. Water well with a fine rose. Sow seeds individually into compost, pushing seeds to 1cm deep. Place in a propagator at 15-20°C or cover pot with cling film and leave in a warm room.

Grow on

When shoots appear, remove cling film. Keep seedlings in a light position, but shade from direct sunlight. Grow on in a minimum temperature of 10°C.

Plant out

Gradually accustom plants to outside conditions for 2-3 weeks before planting out when the risk of frost has passed. Water well until established.

Sow outdoors

Sow seeds in pre-watered soil at a depth of 1.5cm in their flowering positions. Keep soil moist until seedlings are established. Thin out as required.


Sunflower seeds are not only for wild birds. Cut and hang the mature sunflower seed head upside down in a warm, well-ventilated room. Once dry push the seeds out of the head and store in a dry cloth bag. Eat as required.