young strawbale gardeners.
It is fun to grow,
With most children now totally engrossed for hours on computer style games it is a joy to see young people out in the garden. My grandchildren love to help out on the plot. Above is a picture of my eldest grandchild. She had just dug up some potatoes for lunch. And was adamant that she did not need any help from me. Strawbales are a perfect height for children. There are no sharp tools involved. They get the sun, or wind on their face and its great rewarding fun. Of course we encorage any methods of gardening, but strawbale gardening is great for children.
Strawbale vegetable gardening makes an excellent classroom project as well. A lot of schools I think shy away from gardening due to health and safety issues. With this way of gardening there are no sharp tools involved. Strawbale gardening in schools if fun and very informative, giving our young people a great life lesson. We offer packages tailored to each schools individual needs. We supply everything and give easy to understand instructions to the teacher/classroom assistant. As well as ongoing support and a dedicated email help address. Please get in touch with us for further information here. And the DVD here. Thanks Simon.
Our best-selling e-book and DVD make great reading for children. And exellent classroom aids.
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