Microgreens are essentialy MINI vegetables. They have distinctive flavours and textures, and are packed full of vitamins and minereals. They maybe small in stature but when it comes to vitamins and minerals they are towering giants. A superfood that is easy to grow, a windowsill is all you need. Ready to eat in ten to twenty days. A great addition to salads, stir-fries, sandwiches, soups, garnishes etc.
Delicious in so many dishes.
Microgreens are packed with nutrients. They are fantastic as part of a balanced diet. You will usually get a crop in around ten days time. This kit has five popular varieties, plus all the kit you will need to grow them at home. Included in the kit are, sprouting seed. Pea. Rich in vitamins B3, B5, B6. Favourite for stir fries and salads. Harvest after 7-10 days. It has a slightly nutty flavour. Also eat raw. Next is sprouting seed. Alfalfa. a sweet taste simmilar to peas. Best used raw in salads. Harvest when sprouts are 2.5-5cm long. Ready to harvest after 5-6 days. Popular in Chinese cooking. We now have Nasturtium Pepperspark. A spicy flavour with edible flowers. Next is sprouting seed Sunflower. These produce a wealth of nutrients including phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. With a distinctive juicy flavour. Sprouts are ready when hulls fall from the seed. Lastly we have Amarinth Red. Peppery and very tasty. Use in soups, sandwiches and as a garnish. We also enclose all the kit you need including growing trays, premium quality compost to sow the seeds in, zip tie polythene bags to aid germination, seed markers and marker pencil. And of course full instructions. This is a really usefull kit that will grow you tasty microgreens that would cost a fortune in the supermarkets. The varieties may vary from time to time.
Best Sellers!
If you have bought our microgreens kit and require spare seeds, soil or trays, or you simply want to have a go at growing these tasty vegetables you can get all you need here.