Sweetcorn. Golden Hind. F1 Best Seller!

Sweetcorn Golden Hind
Sweetcorn Golden Hind

Sweetcorn. Golden Hind. F1 Best Seller!


Sweetcorn tastes so much better when you grow your own. . Friends are borage, cucumber and marigolds. Just £2.50 for 30 seeds.

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Golden Hind

Difficulty Rating = Medium


Plant Info


This is a very early multi sweet variety.


Planting and sowing instructions


Sow April, May. Flowers July, August. Harvest August, September. Sow in mid Spring in fertile soil in a sunny position. Germinates in good damp free draining seed compost, in 7.5cm pots 1cm deep. Place in a propagator or sealed container inside a polythene bag. Germination takes about 10 days. Plant out 45cm apart in blocks to aid pollination.


Companion planting information


Borage, cucumber and marigolds.




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Companion Plants and Related Items

Cucumber. Marketmore Organic. Best Seller!

A must have for salads. Companion plants are cabbage, basil and dill. Just £2.00 for 25 seeds.

Marigolds. Boy O Boy MIXED

Marigolds are superb to use as companion plants because the musky scent of the flower protects such thing as peppers and eggplants from flee beetles. They also attract beneficial insects. Plant near beans, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels, corn, tomatoes, kale, parsnips, peppers, potatoes, radishes, squash and pumpkins. Just £2.99 for 100 seeds.

A few extras

Strawbale Gardening The Basics. Normal price £11.95/$14.43 SPECIAL PRICE £5.50/$6.64
Sale Price: £5.50 Original Price: £11.95

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