Broccoli. White Sprouting. White Eye. £1.50 for 10 seeds. Super Tasty! — StrawbaleVeg UKStrawbalevegUK-Learn how to garden in strawbales

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Broccoli. White Sprouting. White Eye. £1.50 for 10 seeds. Super Tasty!

Broccoli. White Sprouting. White Eye. £1.50 for 10 seeds. Super Tasty!


Broccoli contains glucosinolates, which the body can convert into substances that fight cancer. Broccoli's anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and fiber-rich properties support heart health. It can help lower cholesterol, maintain proper blood pressure, and promote cardiovascular health. This variety has good quality tender spears. Early to crop. Sow Mar-Jun. Harvest Jul-Nov. Plant May-Jun.

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Where to sow: Outdoors in a seed bed for transplanting later on. Alternatively seed can be sown into modules and seedlings planted out when large enough to handle and after all risk of frost.

Preparation: Prepare the soil by raking until it is fine and crumbly, removing any large stones.

Sowing: Sow at 4 week intervals from March to June. Sow thinly, 1cm (1/2in) deep and cover lightly with soil. Keep watered during dry weather.

Growing: Transplant seedlings to their final position when they have 4-5 leaves and are large enough to handle, about 5 weeks from sowing. Allow a minimum of 60cm (2ft) between plants and 75cm (30in) between rows. Firm in well and water regularly.

Harvest before the flowers open and when shoots are around 10cm (4in) long. This productive broccoli will produce 3 to 4 harvests per plant. After the main head is removed, tender side shoots appear approximately 7-10 days later.Regular picking will encourage more shoots. Don't remove the large leaves as these will protect the next batch of developing shoots. Place some fine mesh netting over the plants to prevent against root fly, aphid and Cabbage caterpillar damage.