Brussels Sprout. F1 Bosworth. Best Seller!

Brussels Sprout Brodie
Brussels Sprout Brodie

Brussels Sprout. F1 Bosworth. Best Seller!


A mainstay of winter vegetable gardening. The companion plants are beetroot, carrots and geraniums. Just £2.20 for 30 seeds.

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F1 Bosworth.

Difficulty Rating = Medium


Plant Info


A sweet flavour, producing a high yield of medium to large buttons.


Planting and sowing instructions


Sow March to April. Harvest September, October, November and December. Sow indoors from February, or outdoors from March into a well prepared seed bed. Sow 13mm deep 30cm between rows. Sow indoors in 7.5cm pots, place in a propagator or sealed container, inside a plastic bag until germination in about 7 days. Gradually acclimatise them to the outdoors. Plant in rich fertile soil. Plant at a distance of 60cm and cover with netting. Water well after planting.


Companion planting information


Beetroot, carrots and geraniums.




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Companion Plants and Related Items

Beetroot. Pablo F1.
Sale Price: £2.00 Original Price: £2.99

Beetroot has so many uses now. Pickling and roasting etc. Three companion plants are mint in a container, kale and calendula. Just £2.00 for 250 seeds.

Carrot. Yellowstone F1. Best Seller!

The nations favourite vegetable. Companion plants to these are beets, onions and calendulas. Just £2.50 for 350 seeds.

A few extras

Strawbale Gardening The Basics. Normal price £11.95/$14.43 SPECIAL PRICE £5.50/$6.64
Sale Price: £5.50 Original Price: £11.95

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