Carrot. Autumn King 2.
Carrot. Autumn King 2.
The number one vegetable for versatility. Companion plants to carrots are beets, onions and calendulas. Just £2.00 for 1200 seeds.
Autumn King 2
Difficulty Rating = Medium
Plant Info
Large maturing maincrop variety which stores well.
Planting and sowing instructions
Sow April to July. Harvest August to November. Sow outdoors April to July. Sow in a weed free sunny position. In light well drained soil. Carrots dislike freshley manured soil, so prepare the beds in autumn. Sow thinly 1cm deep in drills 30cm apart. Thin to 5cm apart. Carrots grow well in containers.
Companion planting information
Beets, onions and calendulas.
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Companion Plants and Related Items
Beetroot are versatile and so good for you. Companions are mint, kale and calendula. Just £1.40 for 80 seeds.
An advantage of using sets is a shorter time to maturity than seed. Friends with carrots, cabbage and chamomile. Just £4.00 instead of £4.80 for 250g of onion sets. Available NOW!
The scent of calendula does seem to repel pests so include amongst your edibles including broccoli, cauliflower, brussels, carrots, celery, kale, collards, and potatoes. Just £2.80 for 50 seeds.