Runner Bean. White Emergo. Our best seller!

Runner Bean White Emergo
Runner Bean White Emergo

Runner Bean. White Emergo. Our best seller!


One of the most popular beans. Companion plant include, chamomile, potatoes and dill. Just £1.50 for 35 seeds.

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Difficulty Rating = Easy


Plant Info


A very popular variety. Frequent prize winner. Great flavour. Long smooth pods. Superb flavour.


Planting and sowing instructions


Sow April, May, June and July. Harvest August September. Sow indoors from April for transplanting later on. Sow outdoors May to July. Indoors sow seeds at a depth of 5 cm, in 7.5 cm pots. Place in a propagator or a sealed container, then in a plastic bag. Once germinated grow on in cooler conditions. Acclimatise to out doors into full or semi shade. Direct sow 5cm deep and 30 cm apart, in rows 1.5m apart. Use canes, and netting for support.


Companion planting information


Chamomile, potatoes and dill.




Coming soon


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Companion Plants and Related Items

Chamomile. Organic.

Said to promote sleep. Companions are cabbage, onions and beans. Just £2.20 for 300 seeds.


Great in pickling. Plant with asparagus, corn and onion. Just £2.49 for 300 seeds.

A few extras

Strawbale Gardening The Basics. Normal price £11.95/$14.43 SPECIAL PRICE £5.50/$6.64
Sale Price: £5.50 Original Price: £11.95

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