Sunflower Gummy Bear. Best seller! £1.50 for 10 seeds.

Sunflower Gummy Bear
Sunflower Gummy Bear

Sunflower Gummy Bear. Best seller! £1.50 for 10 seeds.

Sale Price:£1.50 Original Price:£1.80

This is a new semi tall, double variety for containers and beds. The dark green leaves are a great contrast to the large double lemon-yellow blooms. Produces numerous flowers on top of the plant. Great garden performer. 90-120cm. .

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Sow indoors

March-May: Fill a small 6cm (2½ in) pot with compost, shake and level firm with the base of another pot. Water well with a fine rose. Sow seeds individually into compost, pushing seeds to 1cm (½ in) deep. Place in a propagator at 15-20°C (60-70°F) or cover pot with cling film and leave in a warm room. When shoots appear, remove cling film. Keep seedlings in a light position, but shade from direct sunlight. Grow on in a minimum temperature of 10°C (50°F)

Sow outdoors

April-May: Sow seeds in pre-watered soil at a depth of 2cm (1in) in their flowering positions. Keep soil moist until seedlings are established. Thin out to 30cm (12in) apart.

Plant out

May: Gradually accustom plants to outside conditions for 2-3 weeks before planting out when risk of frost has passed. Water well until established.

Special Note: Do not remove spent sunflower heads. They provide attractive autumn seed heads which are great for providing wild birds with a treat.