Cucumber - Marketmore Organic x 20 Seeds

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Cucumber - Marketmore Organic.png
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Cucumber - Marketmore Organic x 20 Seeds


Can be grown outside. Produces dark green fruits. Good yield throughout summer. Sow indoors in late April, early May. Or outside in early June. Great in raised beds, containers, borders, greenhouses and polytunnels. Sow seeds on their side in 1-inch pots, then transfer to lager containers to continue growing. Use good quality organic compost. Water small amounts regularly. Train up canes. If growing under cover, pinch out growing point when it reaches roof, and keep humidity by regularly watering floor. Feed weekly. Water small amounts regularly. 

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PLANTING INFORMATION. Can be grown outside. Produces dark green fruits. Good yield throughout summer. Sow indoors in late April, early May. Or outside in early June. Great in raised beds, containers, borders, greenhouses and polytunnels. Sow seeds on their side in 1-inch pots, then transfer to lager containers to continue growing. Use good quality organic compost. Water small amounts regularly. Train up canes. If growing under cover, pinch out growing point when it reaches roof, and keep humidity by regularly watering floor. Feed weekly. Water small amounts regularly.

EASE OF GOWING. Fairly easy.

RERECIPES/HINTS. Excellent in salads or sandwiches.