Sunflower Growing Kit.
Sunflower Growing Kit.
This kit contains everything you need to grow beautiful sunflowers. Which by the way are great for the birds and bee’s. The kit consists of three varieties of sunflower seeds. The Giant Yellow which can grow to a height of 3 meters. The lovely striking Ring Of Fire which can grow up to 1.2 meters. And lastly the stunning Soraya that reaches 1.8 meters. Because we believe in companion planting we also include a packet of runner bean seeds that can be trained to grow up around the sunflowers. How cool is that. Also in this kit are large six cell sowing trays. Coir plugs to sow the seeds into. Polythene bags to put the trays in to aid germination. Seed labels and marker pencil. Coloured pencils and card for the kids to draw their flower. And of course full instructions.