Sunflower Growing Kit For Schools Etc.
Sunflower Growing Kit For Schools Etc.
This kit is specially designed for use in schools, and social groups. Teaching children to grow things is more important now than ever, due to rising food prices. Our growing kit makes it fun. Sunflowers are great for the birds and the bees. We like to encourage companion planting, which means grouping together vegetables, herbs and flowers that are beneficaial to one another. So with that in mind we supply runner bean seeds that can be trained to grow up the sunflower. So the children grow food as well. How cool is that.
This kit is based on a group of thirty. Included in the kit is. Thirty six premium quality Giant Yellow sunflower seeds, that can grow up to nine feet tall. Thirty six runner bean seeds. Twelve large six cell sowing trays. Premium quality organic compost. Twelve zip tie polthene bags to aid germination. (these are not essential). Twelve seed markers. Six pencils. Card for drawing. Six sets of sow and grow instructions. Should the group need any further help, please contact us through the contact page on the website.
We can of course cater for all sizes of groups. Please get in touch via the website.