Chilli. Red Air.

Hot Pepper Red Air
Hot Pepper Red Air

Chilli. Red Air.


The chilli is essential in cuisine all over the would. Friends with carrots, onions and marigolds. Just £2.80 for eight seeds.

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Red Air

Difficulty Rating = Medium


Plant Info


VERY HOT! 50,000-100,000 SHUs. Hybrid birds eye type, with upright pointing fruit.


Planting and sowing instructions


Sow Feb to April under glass. Flower and harvest July to Oct. Sow under glass or sheltered position outdoors. When large enough transfer to growbags, containers or beds. When growing them outside, acclimatise them to the outdoors over a ten day period.


Companion planting information


Carrots, onions and marigolds.




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Companion Plants and Related Items

Carrot. Early Nantes 2 ORGANIC Best Seller!
Sale Price: £2.79 Original Price: £2.99

The humble carrot we take for granted. Now available in so many sizes, shapes and colours. Companion to this are. Beets, onions and calendulas. Just £2.79 for 1000 seeds

Spring Onion. White Lisbon.

Spring onions or scallion have a milder flavour than normal onions. Friends are celery, beet and chamomile. Just £2.50 for 400 seeds.

Marigolds. Boy O Boy MIXED

Marigolds are superb to use as companion plants because the musky scent of the flower protects such thing as peppers and eggplants from flee beetles. They also attract beneficial insects. Plant near beans, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels, corn, tomatoes, kale, parsnips, peppers, potatoes, radishes, squash and pumpkins. Just £2.99 for 100 seeds.

A few extras

Strawbale Gardening The Basics. Normal price £11.95/$14.43 SPECIAL PRICE £5.50/$6.64
Sale Price: £5.50 Original Price: £11.95

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