Hi. We are now supposedly coming to the beginning of the end of the tunnel in this battle we have all been waging. Its a year we all will never forget. When this all crashed upon us , I was undertaking a re organisation of my whole garden, with the help of my second eldest son Craig. With isolating that stopped. My plans are very far from complete, I have another polytunnel to erect and raised beds to build. But compared to some peoples loses, this is nothing.
I WILL get the tunnel up and install strawbales down one side to use during the winter. Obviously obtaining the bales has been a no no. For those who have not tried strawbalveging why not give it a whirl. I know there are a great many people who sit and think “I so want to grow my own veg, but I don’t think I have the space”, or “ Ido not have the RIGHT space”. They watch excellent gardening programmes on the television and see perfectly tended veggie patches oozing with huge cabbages and trellises bending with the weight of hundreds of runner beans, and think, “well I’ve just got that square of concrete by the garage wall”. I’m here to tell you that’s fine, you can have your vegetable garden there, and be the envy of your street. You can drop a strawbale into most any space. Weeding is a lot less, so that’s another plus, if you are time short. Its a method that needs learning, but I think that is half of the fun. Its not too late to get some bales and have a try. I’m going down to my local farm next week because I want to construct a small veg garden in an enclosed space for a video I am planning. This method is really quite low cost. The straw, some good compost, seeds and water and you are about there. There are steps to follow, its not a question of just putting seeds in. You need to feed the strawbales, I call this the “maturing process” which means adding water and a maturing agent over a period of about 17 days. But don’t be put off its perfectly doable. And there is still bags of time this season. I hope this encourages people to give it a grow. Fresh from the garden is so much better than the supermarket. If you need the full SP then my new e-book will certainly help. Its priced very fairly, and is filled with the information you need. If this interests you please take a look here. Please get in touch with me if you need any questions answered, and I will do my best to help. Speak again soon and great gardening.