Strawbale gardening is anywhere gardening.
Hello. Have you started a strawbale garden yet? No. Okay, but why not try one. You might have tried and failed because you did not get the basics of the method right. No problem. Try again. This method really can change your outlook on gardening. An example. You live in an inner London town house with just a concrete space at the rear that you have squeezed a patio table and four chairs into. It is a suntrap. Or you live in a rented accommodation with a rear lawn that you would love to dig up to plant vegetables, but the lease forbids it. No problem, Its like the man said. Strawbale gardening is anywhere gardening. Squeeze a couple of bales against the sunny wall next to your patio table and grow three types of tomatoes to impress your friends. Get four bales installed on that lawn and grow those runner beans that you love so much.
Flowers appearing on runner beans in a strawbale.
Just follow a few basic rules, and strawbale gardening is enjoyable and rewarding. Buy straw NOT hay. Buy from farm shops or local farms. Cover when transporting because they malt. Install them in their position with as much sun as possible. The most important aspect is the maturing process to get the strawbales composting so that its an ideal environment for seeds and plants to thrive. Without this simply nothing will grow. My new e-book covers all these aspects and much more.
Having a strawbale garden full of vegetables look great as well. Its environmentally good and beats those boring containers. Most any vegetables will be quite happy growing in your new strawbale garden. If this sound good to you then take a look at my book. Here It really will help you on your way. I am always available if you use our get in touch page.
Good Strawbale Gardening.
Strawbale Simon.