A well used strawbale.
The above picture may look a bit of a mess, but it is straw gold. Your strawbale garden will last one or two seasons, depending on its wear and tear. Afterwards keep it separate from your regular compost heap. It will have picked up no soil born diseases and will make first rate compost. Cut the bailing twine and you will find it comes apart in slices. If you just use a strawbale garden then use it to backfill plug plant holes etc. Otherwise dig it in or, as I do lay it on some unused earth and plant into it. I have done very well growing sweetcorn, marrow, pumpkin, courgettes etc this way. Nothing goes to waste.
Using an old strawbale.
Chilli Time!
Chilli Quickfire.
I am now hearing of many people starting off their chilli’s. They need a long growing season. I trialled the variety Quickfire last year and was very impressed. It is probably the fastest maturing pepper in the UK. Taking as little as 65 days from sowing to first maturity. Produces compact neat plants that turn red to green. With a conical shape and an upward fruiting presentation. Typical SHU is 40,000. View here.
Great gardeneing.