We are coming to that time of year where the marrows dont seem to stop growing. I grow one variety. Its super reliable and a great little cropper. It is called Bush Baby F1. Wether you grow in the soil or in straw. Although they seem to love strawbales.
Marrow Bush Baby F1. In straw. ( Seeds available in store)
My best friends father was a Headmaster, and renound gardener. This is his Spicy Marrow Chutney Reciepe..
4lb Marrow.
1lb Brown Sugar.
1.5 lb Onions.
TSP Sugar.
3 Pints Malt Vinegar.
2 TSP Tumeric.
6 Chillies/3oz Fresh Ginger in muslin bag.
Skin and de-seed marrow. Dice to 1cm size. Spread on trays and sprinkle with salt. Leave overnight. Drain off in morning, Put vinegar in pan with sugar, mustard, tumeric and onions. Put muslin bag in pan for ten minutes. Add marrows and simmer for 2 hrs or until tender. When cold tranfer to clean jars when cold.
Great with cheese, crackers, crusty bread and with curries.
Marrow Chutney.