Happy and a safe new year to you. We seem to be having one storm roll in after another. Doing untold amounts of damage. Gardens are being destroyed on a large scale. Again I am seeing gardeners polytunnels being ripped apart. My son and I aim to put up another tunnel this year to trial some new varieties of chillies. We are right on the edge of the Viking Way in Waddington, Lincolnshire. So it is very exposed. We have learned from bitter experience that the construction must be very secure. It is vital to think carefully about where you sight your polytunnel. If you are considering buying one for the coming season you basically have two choices. There are a couple of very reputable companies who if needed, will erect the tunnel for you. They are undoubtably very fine tunells. But they may be beyond the purse of some people. The green budget tunells are fine but they do need to be put up very securely. My son and I have put up many, and they do not budge. We made a video of how we put them up. View it here.
A polytunnel in situ.
Securing every joint.
No matter how long we have been gardening it is always great to pick up a bit of knowledge that makes you think “wow that is really clever”. Beginners and those who have been gardening for years all benefit from each others experiences. So, with that in mind every week in my blog I will be asking for tips on certain aspects of our beleoved pastime. I will ask a novice gardener to pick out the best “top tip”. The winner will recieve an £8.00 voucher to spend in our seed store AND one of our fantasic growing kits worth over £12.00. I will feature the three best tips in future blogs etc. It will be a bit of fun and benefit us all. Please leave your tips here or text them to 07713717900 or leave them at strawbalevegukman@gmail.com
Head them Top Tips and please include your emai address.
Your top tip please.
Lastly, if you visit my seeds shop we are offering a massive 30% off all seeds. Vegetable, herb and flower. That is Five times what our biggest competitor is offering. I would really appreciate your support. To visit the seeds shop use the link here.
I would love you to share this blog with your friends.
Happy gardeneing.