Microgreens have been around since the 1970’s, but still suprsingly few people tend to grow them. I am a recent convert I will admit. With gardens and houses getting smaller, space is at a premium. But a sunny windowsill can grow you an exiting variety of these vegetables, flowers and herbs. They have a great punchy flavour and are high in so many vitamins. Ten days is usually all that is needed before you can harvest your crop. There are many ways to use microgreens. In.
Salads, smoothies, soups, pasta, stir frys, sandwiches and as garnishes. To name but a few.
The high end supermarkets sell a limired selection, but they are very expensive.
A popular microgreen. Sprouting Pea seeds.
You can pay many hundreds of pounds for a complicated microgreens gardening setup, but the most popular is the simple easy to use setup we offer in our new Microgreens Growing Kit. For a fraction of the cost you can grow these tasty, nutritious vegetables at home.
Microgreens Growing Kit
This new addition to our growing kit range has everything you will need to grow these sprouting seeds. When you have grown the varieties we supply you can purchase more seeds from us or choose some others from our range. The cell trays we provide can be used over and over again. You will just need to top up on coir plugs which we also stock.
The kit itself consists of five varieties of microgreens. Pea,. Alfalfa. Nastertium. Sunflower and Radish. They all bring something different to the table so to speak.
Sprouting seeds Nasturtium.
The kit you will also recieve is, five large six cell sowing trays. Twenty coir plugs to sow the seeds in. Five zip tye polythene bags to aid germination, seed markers and a marker pencil. And of course full sow and grow instructions.
I hope this has inspired you to grow some of this mini superfood.
Great Gardening.
Simon. See the Microgreens Kit here.